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Do I have to live within the Lakeside boundaries to play for Lakeside Little League?

No. You either have to live in the boundaries or your child must attend a school within the boundaries.  Most of the Granite Bay area (95746) except for areas such as Ashley Woods, Hillsborough, and Eastridge, are in our boundaries. In addition, Loomis zip codes (95650, and some in the 95663 and 95658) are included in the Lakeside boundaries. This includes the Loomis area south of I-80, and the Penryn and Newcastle zip codes from Loomis to Newcastle Road, south of I-80.  If you live outside our boundaries but your child attends a school within the boundary, you must provide a report card from the school or provide the school form.

How old does my son or daughter have to be to play Little League?

Little League International has programs for League Age 4 - 16 years old. However, Lakeside Little League does not have a program for children League Age 4, 15 and 16.  Children wishing to play with Lakeside must be at least League Age 5 to play in our program and our players age out at League Age 14.

Little League Age Calculator

Little League Age Calculator

Is little league available for girls?

Yes! Lakeside is for both boys and girls. We encourage girls to sign up and be a part of the fun!

Can I choose what team my child plays on?

For T-Ball, Rookie and Farm divisions, Lakeside tries to accommodate parent requests for carpools, relatives, friends, neighbors and classmates. Just be sure your request is known by writing coaches and/or friends' names in the appropriate section of the online registration form.  Minors (AA) and above are “draft” level divisions, and we are not able to accommodate requests at these levels.

Does Lakeside have a program for over 12 year olds?

Lakeside Little League currently has an active program for the 50/70 Division (age 13) and the Junior Division (ages 13-14).  We also refer players age 15 and older to a regional Senior Division or Big League program, until there is sufficient roster enrollment to justify operating a local team.

Do you need Managers, Coaches, Umpires, or other Volunteers?

Lakeside Little League is a completely volunteer program. We are always looking for enthusiastic people to help support the league in any capacity they can, especially if they can share their love of baseball with our children. We would welcome anyone willing to volunteer their time to manage, coach, umpire, or help with a number of other duties. If you are interested in volunteering please click on the registration link below.

The Registration "FAQ's" is not currently available.

Does Lakeside provide training for Managers and Coaches?

Yes, Lakeside conducts an annual meeting prior to each Spring Season for Managers and Coaches to review safety, first aid, and to participate with understanding and updating our Local League Rules. In addition Lakeside has a mandatory Managers and Coaches Clinic. The clinic focuses on fundamentals of each component of the game, positive coaching and is structured so that each level is getting age appropriate instruction. 

Are there rules of conduct and safety?

Absolutely YES! Please refer to these codes in our Forms and Documents section on this website. Lakeside demands that its Managers and Coaches strive to be outstanding role models for the youth we teach.

When will I know about schedules for practice and games?

After teams are formed, a practice schedule and field assignments are determined for each team.  Each manager may at their discretion schedule additional practices or cancel assigned practices. The goal of practices is to teach specific skills and game situations, so player attendance is a must! Games are scheduled ONLY by our League Scheduler, including rescheduling due to weather.  Practices and games are scheduled through the Lakeside website, including field designations.  If you elect to receive alerts from the website, reminders will be sent via text or email.

If a player is injured in a practice or game, what should I do?

You must follow Lakeside's Safety Policy. Do not administer first aid other than making the player comfortable and reassured. This includes pain medications and aspirin. Carry a cell phone at all times so that emergencies may be called in. Other than simple bumps & bruises, Managers must file an Accident Report within 48-hours of the incident. This report must be delivered to the appropriate Player Agent or the President.

Who is responsible for maintaining the fields?

Lakeside has a Fields Director who is responsible for providing adequate supply of mound clay, line paint, drying agent and maintenance equipment such as drags and rakes. Placer County Parks & Recreation provides watering, mowing, seed and landscaping services. Lakeside teams and parents are responsible for prepping fields before and after practices and games, including securing equipment and preventing damage of sprinkler heads and base pegs.

How can I change a player on my roster?

There are only four types of acceptable roster changes, all requiring documented requests processed through the division’s Player Agent, and resultant Board approval prior to communicating to any player(s). The first is parental requests. The second is Manager replacement of players due to family relocation or injury, which requires a doctor’s notice. The third is Manager trade requests, co-signed by the Managers of each team involved. The fourth is Manager requests for Safety Committee assessment, which is required to prevent lesser skilled players from injury. Please refer to Board Member contact list for our Player Agent.

If I am ejected from a game what should I do?

Lakeside's rules are simple. You are suspended from the next game played, regardless of when it is scheduled. You must stay off field & park premises during that next game, and not be in contact with anyone at the field by cell phone or other devices and intermediaries.

When will I know what team I’m playing on?

Managers will contact players immediately following drafts, usually within a day or two. Go to the League Calendar for planned tryout and league draft dates.

Can I use my own bat or helmet?

Absolutely! For 12 and under, bats must have a logo that shows “approved by Little League of America” or “Little League Approved”. Umpires will not allow use of a bat if this logo is not evident. Lakeside strongly recommends that each player buy and maintain your own helmet. It's for your safety and much easier to control hygiene.

Where do I buy gear?

Local stores carry a variety of clothing and gear for baseball. Be sure to look for the “Little League Approved” logo. If you cannot afford equipment, Lakeside may have some recycled or unclaimed gear, and also has a special sponsorship program for scholarships. Just ask your parent/guardian to contact Lakeside's President.

What if my coach drinks, smokes, or curses?

Lakeside has a strict Code of Conduct. Adults (Managers, Coaches, Parents and volunteers) are not allowed in the presence of players or at games and practices to:

  • Smoke
  • Drink alcohol
  • Curse
  • Have abusive physical contact

PLEASE report all incidents of unacceptable behavior to your team parent first, who should immediately contact our Player Agent.

Is there training to be a Board Member?

Yes. Lakeside has documented organization charts, job descriptions, and procedures covering the primary duties. District 54 also conducts annual Clinics for Presidents, Player Agents, Safety Officers, and Chief of Umpires.

Can I intercede in a game or over-rule an Umpire’s call?

Absolutely not!

Others may not intercede either. The only on-field responsibilities of Board Members pertain to safety. The Umpire-in-Chief is allowed to provide on-field counsel to the field Junior Umpires, but cannot change a call in any division.