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Forms and Documents


This is a map showing the area in which players must reside to play in our Little League. 

 Official Little League International rules governing player eligibility for our league for 2024.

Acceptable forms of proof of residency for new players.

Lakeside Little League Registration Refund Policy

Player Scholarships are available for 2024

This form must be completed and provided to the league before the player can participate in any Lakeside practice or game. 

League Age Charts

Little League State Mandated Training Requirements

Heads Up Concussion Certificate Upload

Once training is completed, upload your certificate here


Training provided by USA Baseball

Abuse Awareness Certificate Upload

Once training is completed, upload your certificate here

Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) Prevention Training

SCA Training - Save a Life Foundation

Sudden Cardiac Arrest Certificate Upload

Once training is completed, upload your certificate here

Little League Diamond Leader Training

Little League Training for AAA & Majors Managers/Coaches

Diamond Leader Training Certificate Upload

Once training is completed, upload your certificate here

Sponsorship Information

Thank you for your interest in sponsorship at Lakeside Little League!

Complete information can be found using the link below:

The Registration "Forms and Documents" is not currently available.

Volunteer Form and Applications

Lakeside's success is due to are wonderful group of Volunteers!  There are many options and opportunities to Volunteer with Lakeside.


If interested in Volunteering for our 2024 Season, please complete the Volunteer Application linked below:

League Rules

The following process and rules apply to AA, AAA, and Majors drafts

Explicitly outlines what is considered appropriate versus inappropriate behavior at any Lakeside event, practice/game, or function. All parents/guardians who register their player, as well as all coaches/managers and board members, are required to abide by this code of conduct.

All Star Selection Rules

Approved for Spring 2022 season.